Monday, November 30, 2009

Kumon Grade Level Guarantees

I recieved an interesting phone call today from a home-school parent who will (should be) be enrolling her son in Kumon on Wednesday. She expressed concerns about the money she is investing in her son's supplemental Kumon education and whether or not we offered a "guarantee" on his success.

I told her that I GUARANTEE I will always provide my students with the work that is just right for them. I GUARANTEE that each of my students achieve mastery of materials before moving on to more challenging concepts. I GUARANTEE that I will communicate with families about goals and what work is required to meet these goals.

I cautioned her about false promises from tutoring centers that "guarantee" a child will advance a grade level in a set amount of time (In my research, I've found these businesses set their own standard for "grade level." YIKES!) The reality is that individual progress and advancement depends upon the child. Kumon uses International Grade Level (there is no subjective criteria), and has firm standards in regard to measuring speed and accuracy to assess mastery.

Will this family enroll their son at my Kumon Center after listening to my very honest comments? Maybe. Hopefully. I'll let you know on Thursday.

Until next time, make every effort to show someone that you are amazing!

~~~Miss Anne

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